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Project funding
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Targeted learning for causal population genomics
Dynamic Clustering of Modifiable Dementia Risk Factors
Mitigating threats to plant species in the presence of climate change
Modelling spatial effects for mortgage loans with transformed Gaussian Markov Random Fields
Large-scale modelling of genomic and environmental variation
Modelling grid field intensity with oscillating Gaussian random fields
Centre for Statistics
Project funding
Funding awarded
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Funding awarded
The Centre for Statistics has funded several interdisciplinary research projects
Targeted learning for causal population genomics
Dynamic Clustering of Modifiable Dementia Risk Factors
Mitigating threats to plant species in the presence of climate change
Modelling spatial effects for mortgage loans with transformed Gaussian Markov Random Fields
Large-scale modelling of genomic and environmental variation
Modelling grid field intensity with oscillating Gaussian random fields
This article was published on
27 Mar, 2023