A collection of resources produced by the CfS statistical community
- Advanced Spatial Modeling with Stochastic Partial Differential Equations Using R and INLA - Finn Lindgren
- Advances in heavy tailed risk modeling: A handbook of operational risk - Gareth Peters and Pavel V. Shevchenko
An Introduction to Secondary Data Analysis with IBM SPSS Statistics - John MacInnes
- A Tiny Handbook on R - Mike Allerhand (review)
- Bayesian Analysis for Population Ecology - Ruth King
- Core Statistics - Simon Wood
- Fundamental aspects of operational risk and insurance analytics - Gareth Peters, Marcelo G. Cruz and Pavel V. Shevchenko
- Gaussian Processes for Machine Learning - Chris Williams
- Generalized Additive Models - Simon Wood
Know Your Variables: Little Quick Fix - John MacInnes
Quantitative Longitudinal Data Analysis - Vernon Gayle
- Modern Methodology and Applications in Spatial-Temporal Modeling - Gareth Peters and Tomoko Matsui
- Monte Carlo and Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods 2012 - Gareth Peters et. al
Statistical Significance: Little Quick Fix - John MacInnes
Statistics and the Evaluation of Evidence for Forensic Scientists (3rd Ed.)- Colin Aitken
- Theoretical Aspects of Spatial-Temporal Modeling - Gareth Peters and Tomoko Matsui
Special Issues:
- A Collection of Surveys on Tail Event Modeling, Revstat—Statistical Journal, Vol. 10, 2012, Guest Editors - M. de Carvalho, A. C. Davison & J. Beirlant.
- Animal Movement Modeling, Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics, vol 22, issue 3, 2017 - Guest Editors Ruth King, Mevin B. Hooten, Roland Langrock
- European Young Statisticians, Communications in Statististics—Theory and Methods, vol 42, 2013, Guest Editors - M. de Carvalho & P. C. Rodrigues
- Modelling Key Variables in Social Science Research, Methodological Innovations, vol 9, 2016 - Roxanne Connelly, Vernon Gayle & Paul Lambert
- Statistical Models for Diagnosis and ROC Analysis (PDF), Revstat—Statistical Journal, vol 12, 2014 - Guest Editors - V. I. de Carvalho, M. de Carvalho & W. G. Manteiga
- Stochastic Simulation and Optimisation in Signal Processing, IEEE Journal of Special Topics in Signal Processing, vol 10, issue 2, 2016 - Guest Editors -Steve Mclaughlin, Marcelo Pereyra, Alfred O. Hero, Jean-Yves Tourneret, Jean-Christophe Pesquet
- A short course on likelihood based inference - Course by Simon Wood
- Data Ethics, AI and Responsible Innovation - A free online course from The University of Edinburgh
- Statistics: Unlocking the World of Data - A free online course from The University of Edinburgh
Theory of Inference - Course by Simon Wood
Teaching Statistics and Data Science Online - Workshop series by Mine Çetinkaya-Rundel and Colin Rundel
Open Source Software
APFr: a multiple testing approach based on Average Power Function and Bayes FDR robust estimation - Nicolò Margaritella
AROC: estimates the covariate-adjusted Receiver Operating Characteristic (AROC) curve - Vanda Inácio de Carvalho & Maria Xose Rodriguez-Alvarez
ASSA: for applied singular spectrum analysis - Miguel de Carvalho and Gabriel Martos
bestSDP: estimates the burden of common communicable diseases in settlements of displaced populations - You Li
bioassays: summarises multi well plate cellular assays - Anwar Azad Palakkan & Jamie Davies
catmap: a case-control and TDT meta-analysis package - Kristin Nicodemus et. al.
- CPS: sequential and batch change detection for univariate data streams, using the change point model framework - Gordon Ross
ctmcd: estimates the parameters of a continuous-time Markov chain from discrete-time data - Marius Pfeuffer, Gonçalo dos Reis et al.
- DDEfit: a package for fitting (delay) differential equations and discrete time models to data - Simon Wood
dirichletprocess: for nonparametric Bayesian analysis using Dirichlet processes - Gordon Ross
encryptr: encrypt and decrypt data using RSA keys - Ewen Harrison et. al.
extremis: conducts inferece for statistical models for extreme values - Miguel de Carvalho
finalfit: quickly create elegant regression results tables and plots when modelling - Ewen Harrison, Tom Drake & Riinu Ots
- fmesher: a geometry tool in the INLA package - Finn Lindgren
- GeneImp: : genotype imputation from ultra-low coverage sequencing - Athina Spiliopoulou, Marco Colombo & Paul McKeigue
- geometry: for mesh generation and surface tessellation - David C. Sterratt et. al.
- hsstan: hierarchical shrinkage Stan models for biomarker selection - Marco Colombo, Paul McKeigue & Athina Spiliopoulou
- inlabru: for spatial modelling using integrated nested Laplace Approximation- Finn Lindgren
- mgcv: for estimating penalized Generalized Linear models - Simon Wood
- nflows: a normalizing flows pytorch library - Iain Murray
Orthogonal MCMC: MATLAB code for implementing Orthogonal MCMC methods - Victor Elvira
posum 2: mortality estimation software based on the population surface method - Simon Wood
retistruct: a program to reconstruct retinae - David C. Sterratt & Daniel Lyngholm
rGEDI: A set of tools for downloading, reading, visualizing and processing NASA's GEDI data - Steven Hancock et. al.
RImageJROI: reads 'ImageJ' ROI files - David C. Sterratt & Mikko
ROCnReg: estimates ROC Curve Inference with and without Covariates- Maria Xose Rodriguez-Alvarez & Vanda Inacio
RPEnsemble: for random projection ensemble classification- Timothy Cannings and Richard Samworth
RTriangle: a 2D quality mesh generator and Delaunay triangulator - Jonathan Richard Shewchuk, David C. Sterratt & Elias Pipping
Sequential Monte Carlo: MATLAB code for the sequential Monte Carlo scheme - Victor Elvira
Solv95: a delay differential equation solver - Simon Wood
- spearmanCL: for conducting jackknife Euclidean / empirical likelihood inference for Spearman's rho - Miguel de Carvalho
texmex: for statistical extreme value modelling of threshold excesses, maxima and multivariate extremes - Ioannis Papastathopoulos et. al.
wevid: for quantifying performance of a binary classifier through weight of evidence - Paul McKeigue & Marco Colombo
wktmo: for converting weekly data to monthly data - You Li
Stats-based animation for teaching - Glenna Nightingale
- ChiSquare: The Chi Square test of independence at the Chocolate factory
- Chocolate_ANOVA: Angus at the stats clinic
- taking_the_biscuit: Data storyboarding with Glenna Nightingale
- Storyboarding data and statistical concepts - Glenna Nightingale