Centre for Statistics

Early Career Researchers Day 2024

The Centre for Statistics (CfS) Early Career Reseachers Day is a satellite event of the CfS Annual Conference. The aim is to foster knowledge exchange among young researchers working with data from across the University of Edinburgh and associated Institutions.

We strongly encourage attendence for PhD students, postdocs, and all young researchers (broadly interpreted) who are interested in the intersection of statistical methods and their applications to real world problems.  


12:00pm - 1:00pm : Lunch & Networking (Bayes Centre Foyer)

1:00pm - 1:10pm: Welcome (Bayes G.03)

1:10pm - 1:55pm: Short talks (Bayes G.03)

1:55pm - 2:25pm : Coffee Break & Photo

2:25pm - 3:25pm : Short talks (Bayes G.03)

3:25pm - 5:00pm : Poster Session (Bayes 5.45 & 5.46)

Book of Abstracts


Registration is free, but required for catering purposes.

 Register now! 


Organised by Sergio Gomez Anaya, James Chok, Johnny Lee and Antoni Sieminski. 
Jun 17 2024 -

Early Career Researchers Day 2024

The Centre for Statistics Early Career Researchers Day is a satellite event of the CfS Annual Conference.

Bayes Centre