Centre for Statistics

CfS Annual Conference 2024

This year's conference will feature a fantastic line up of speakers from across all three colleges at the University of Edinburgh, as well as industry. There will also be plenty of time for networking over lunch and posters. 


09:00-09:25: Registration with coffee/tea

09:25-09:30: Housekeeping and Welcome (Timothy Cannings, Director of Centre for Statistics)

09:30-10:05: Roger Halliday (Research Data Scotland)

Unlocking data for research in the public good

10:05-10:40: Elliot Crowley (School of Engineering) 

Finding the right neural network for the job

10:40-11:10: Break

11:10-11:45: Cecilia Balocchi (School of Mathematics) 

Improving uncertainty quantification in Bayesian cluster analysis

11:45-12:20: Edward Wallace (School of Biological Sciences)

Quantifying the messages that make cells tick: adventures in understanding regulation of messenger RNA in fungi

12:20-14:20: Posters and Lunch.

14:20-14:55: Xuebin Zhao (School of Geosciences)

Variational Prior Replacement in Bayesian Inference and Inversion

14:55-15:30: Roxanne Connelly (School of Social and Political Science)

Do You Like School? Social Class, Gender, Ethnicity and Pupils’ Educational Enjoyment

15:30-16:05: Mirella Lapata (School of Informatics)

Prompting is not all you need! Or why Structure and Representations still matter in NLP

16:05-16:10: Closing (Timothy Cannings, Director of Centre for Statistics).

16:10-17:00: Drinks Reception and Photo.


Registration is now closed, please contact DirectorCfS@ed.ac.uk if you would like to join. 

Jun 18 2024 -

CfS Annual Conference 2024

The Centre for Statistics Annual Conference brings together researchers working with data from across the University of Edinburgh and Associated Institutions.

Elm Lecture Theatre and Foyer area, The Nucleus, King's Buildings