Joint Research Afternoon: Neuroscience and Statistics
Talks were invited to highlight statistical methodology of potential value for neuroscience, and neuroscience questions that may benefit from advanced statistical approaches and interdisciplinary collaborations.

The programme for the event was:
12:00-13:00: Lunch + posters JCMB 3217
13:00-14:30: Short talks (6 x 15 min) JCMB LT A
14:30-15:00: Coffee break + posters JCMB 3217
15:00-16:00: Breakout discussion groups + CfS seed funding JCMB 3217
16:00-16:10: Refreshments/break JCMB 3217
16:10-17:00: Panel Discussion + CfS seed funding JCMB 3217
The Centre for Statistics offers the opportunity to bid for small ‘pump-priming’ grants to facilitate the development of significant interdisciplinary research proposals. More information.
Details of a previous similar research day held in November 2018 are here:
Joint Research Afternoon: Neuroscience and Statistics