2019 Events
2019 Centre for Statistics lectures, events and associated recordings.
RSS and CfS Event on Decision-Support in Litigation
Should we settle this case? What are our chances of winning? Do we need another witness? These are all questions that might be asked during civil or criminal litigation.
CfS Afternoon on Risk, Noise, and Extremes
World experts Jonathan Rougier (Rougier Consulting Ltd.), Georg Lindgren (Lund University) and Jonathan Tawn (Lancaster University) will offer an overview to non-experts on the intra-disciplinary and fast-evolving fields of risk, noise, and extremes.
CfS Symposium on Training and Education
This meeting, jointly organised with the Royal Statistical Society (RSS), covered key aspects on the statistician's profession, and an overview of the new RSS accreditation process.
CfSC 2019
The Centre for Statistics Annual Conference brings together researchers working with data from across the University of Edinburgh and Associated Institutions.
CfS Research Day: Business and Economic Statistics
The CfS Research Day on Business and Economic Statistics brought together researchers from across Edinburgh who are developing research in Business and Economic Statistics.
CfS Research Day: Risk and Resilience
The CfS Research Day on Risk and Resilience brought people together from across the university to discuss Risk and Resilience research topics.