Research Afternoon: Dealing with Messy Data

The `Dealing with Messy Data’ event is less about showcasing finalised projects and more about presenting an ongoing challenge to be discussed with the CfS group. It is hoped that joint discussion can potentially lead to collaboratively sought solutions to analytical challenges. Statisticians may wish to present methodology that may be relevant or interesting to the applied researchers who are tackling analytical challenges brought about by complex and imperfect data available for analysis.



13:30 - 13:45: Welcome & Coffee

13:45 - 14:15: Christopher Barrie (Lecturer in Computational Sociology)

Title: Machine Learning Models for the Measurement of Media Criticism

14:15 - 14:45: Orian Brook (Chancellor’s Fellow in Social Policy)

Title: Brainstorming solutions to address missing data in the ONS Longitudinal Study

14:45 - 15:15: Coffee Break.

15:15 - 15:45: Roxanne Connelly (Senior Lecturer of Sociology and Quantitative Methods)

Title: The challenge of calculating model fit statistics for logistic regression models using complex survey data

15:45 - 16:15: Ruth King (Thomas Bayes’ Chair of Statistics)

Title: Multiple Systems Estimation: An Approach for Estimating Difficult to Observe Populations

16:15 – 16:30: Closing remarks and spill-over time (+ Group Photo).

Invited talks are designed to be 15 min with 15 min Q&A and changeover.

The full programme including titles and abstracts of talks can be found here: 

Messy Data Programme (889.64 KB / PDF)

Organised by Natalia BochkinaValeria SkafidaRoxanne Connelly, Ozan Evkaya, Amanda Lenzi and Torben Sell.